Introduce Yourself : First Foray into Screenwriting by Steven Michael

Steven Michael

First Foray into Screenwriting

Hello everyone, my name is Steve Michael. I retired from business at age 52 and decided to begin my writing career again. Not so unusual. I had written several short stories earlier in my life and enjoyed the creative experience. I would create stories to mostly hone various aspects of writing (plot, dialogue, etc.). But life got in the way and writing took a back seat. After retirement, I began writing non-fiction about subjects I know; which produced two "how-to" books. And I started teaching at a university as an adjunct professor. But storytelling kept tugging at my intellectual sleeve. I have two loglines in my profile. "First 100" is a political thriller and is halfway finished. I'm using my expertise in the field of economics as the basis for this feature. Maybe I'll pitch this by the end of next month. "An Available Out" is in treatment form and could be loosely construed as autobiographical - at least the mental side of it. I have made several connections here and I value the feedback given to me directly and through various posts. I love learning, get really motivated by achievement, and never take myself too seriously (anymore actually).

Vitale Justice

Welcome to Stage32 just started my first script myself this morning

Richard "RB" Botto

I love this post, Steven. Inspiring. Congratulations on retiring and beginning your pursuit anew.

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