Introduce Yourself : Passion is everything by Benjamin Wood

Benjamin Wood

Passion is everything

This is not an easy career to embark on. I have spent my life mostly chasing dreams. Since a young boy I knew I was an entertainer. I started my career in Pro wrestling was redirected on a new path, and continued to find success on this journey. I am by no means a house hold name but I sure have had some amazing opportunities. You should always go for what you truly desire but it is ok to do something you love and still be able to make a living. My Name is Benjamin Wood my story is like many before me. I dream, I follow dreams, I hit roadblocks, and find my away around them. Your passion and desire are the blueprint for your accomplishments. I wish you all success along your own personal adventures. No matter where you are in your career always be humble to where you started.

Amanda Toney

Great post Benjamin!

Natalie Chisholm

Great post Benjamin. I'm the same too. I decided just over a year ago to start a voiceover and acting career as it's always what wanted I to do. It's hard work but I love it and so glad I did it.

Jorge J Prieto

Excellent and inspiring, Benjamin. It's good to know human beings like you. You are one of us and humble too, a rarity in this industry.

Jeanie Hobgood

Hello Benjamin. I wholeheartedly agree; passion is everything! I also know how life can change your plans and how directions can change as well. Growing up I was always creating something. Either making my own clothes or crafts. After losing my eye sight I never thought that writing would take the place of all that, but it did. Have a very good day.

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