Introduce Yourself : Introduction by Tony Huynh

Tony Huynh


Hello everyone, My name is Tony-yen Huynh, I am 17. I am an actor and director. I started film-making at the age of 8, I shot some silly videos with my friends and it became a passion. I enjoy writting, directing and acting. I currently run a YouTube channel dedicated to film-making. ( ) I recently joined Stage 32 in order to make connections with other passionate and talented people, so I can have some feedback on my work, and why not someday collaborate with other people :) (I really want to work with other passionate film-makers ;) ) Regarding my acting skills, I've just started drama lessons this year, but of course the point is to continuously work on my own craft to progress. Well, that's pretty much it... My journey on Stage 32 starts here :) Hope we'll get in touch soon ! :) Ton-yen HUYNH Actor, Director.

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