Introduce Yourself : Saying Hello by Daniel Grzeskowiak

Daniel Grzeskowiak

Saying Hello

Hello Stage32! I'm an independent filmmaker living in Omaha Nebraska right now. I co-worte and produced the feature film MISFIT HEIGHTS, a puppet zombie musical and it was just recently released on iTunes! We accomplished this by raising funds with a Kickstarter campaign and going through I was curious on how other filmmakers approach their distribution plans when they develop a film? Have you secured distribution before production? Do those deals changed during production or can the distribution company change their minds?

Daniel Grzeskowiak

Thanks Lynn, I've taken advantage of Vimeo and Distribber. I wish I would have known about when we finished the film, but might look into doing a few theatrical releases through them and see if we can build interest. Would love to find a traditional deal for VOD, hopefully the next film will have a better marketing budget to help with that.

Dayna Burnworth

Hi Daniel! I am about to launch a similar campaign and I too am interested in distribution. Welcome to Stage 32!

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