Success Stories: FEB'12 Stage 32 TV Fellowship semi-finals

Thomas LaRocco

Stage 32 TV Fellowship semi-finals

So, I just found out I made the semi-finals of the Stage 32 TV Fellowship- back to back with my TV pilots requested by Sony and Lionsgate. It made me realize that through the insanity of trying to actually earn a living and pitch scripts like a New York Yankee, I've never taken the time to say thank you to the crew at Happy writers. So, Joey, Brandon, Erick and everyone else that I've tortured with countless questions and emails... thank you very much, without this website, I'd still be sitting on the corner of Broadway and 38th street writing scripts for change ;)

Ryan D. Canty

Congrats Thomas!!!!

Dan A. R. Kelly


Sarahjoy Mount

Rock on!

Thomas LaRocco

Thank you for the kind words. And congrats backatcha Kathryn :)

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