Introduce Yourself : My Bio by Boyan Lazarov

Boyan Lazarov

My Bio

Graduated actor from Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Skopje , Republic of Macedonia. In my acting career I have 19 theater shows, performances and movies. "Class Enemy", "Eyewitness", "The Glass Menagerie", "A Midsummer night's dream", "The Pelican", "Towards myself" are just a part of the shows that I took part. A few months after graduation , I was called to work with Professor Krenare Nevzati and to be part of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts , as Demonstrator for the subject Stage Movements and dances. In 2014 I enrolled in my Master studies for Ballet Pedagogy at the Faculty of Music Arts in Skopje. The same year I started as a Acting Instructor in Bullfrogs Ballet School. Skills: Theater acting, Film acting, Playing Piano, Dance Classical and Contemporary Ballet.

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