Introduce Yourself : Introducing myself by Shawn Schaffer

Shawn Schaffer

Introducing myself

Hello Stage 32! Just introducing myself. My name is Shawn Schaffer, I am a Director of Photography / Cinematographer, pick which title you will. If we are in Europe I am a Lighting Cameraman, if we are in Canada, I am a DOP, so on and so forth. Bottom line is my life's duty is bring incredible imagery to any and all projects I am a part of. Feel free to ask me questions or connect with me here at Stage 32 or on Facebook at my Facebook page: Or check me and my stuff out on my web site at Either way, it's a pleasure to meet you all and I look forward to connecting and hopefully working with you all soon. Cheers, Shawn Schaffer

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Nice! Any DoP who has a picture of Scorpion on their website is my type of DoP! :) Good to see you in here, Shawn!

Shawn Schaffer

Thank you Tomasz! Yes, if you check out my reel there's a couple quick cameos from Kung Lao, Liu Kang, and Rain as well in one or two shots. Check it out and if there's anything that you could use my services for, let me know! Looking forward to hearing back from you. Cheers!

Shawn Speake

Welcome, Shawn!

Greg Rempel

Nice to meet you, Shawn. I'm an optioned screenwriter who has been writing professionally for 30 years on both the corporate side and the entertainment side. My screenplay, "3rd Degree" is currently in pre production and is scheduled to go before the camera in March.

Robert Rosenbaum

Wow. Nice portfolio. I hope to work with you someday.

Shawn Schaffer

Hey Greg! Thanks for the kind words and connection. If your forthcoming project in March happens to be in need of my services, let me know. Robert thank you as well for the kind words, I hope an opportunity presents itself as well to work with one another. Cheers!

Pete Allman

Shawn Schaffer is the type pf person my associates respect. It's always nice to have a team player on board a film or television project. Perhaps the Donald Trump project will be something we can collaborate on in the near future. Shawn Schaffer is our choice. Pete Allman -Celebroty Scene News

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Nice testimonial, Pete! B.T.W. The facebook likes on your site ( are crashing and causing slow load times, I'd recommend removing those while your devs figure out how to fix it. @Shawn, you should get that testimonial on your website as well. :D

Shawn Schaffer

Hello Pete! Thanks for the kind words. I'm curious to hear about this Donald Trump project you're referring to. Feel free to shoot me a message to discuss. Tomasz, thank you for the follow up and the technical notes for Pete, I'll have to take a look at the site to see the slow load time. Cheers, Shawn Schaffer

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