Screenwriting : Do competitions matter? by Robert Rosenbaum

Robert Rosenbaum

Do competitions matter?

My new screenplay "The Manny" (logline on my page) just made the quarter-finals of the BlueCat Screenplay Competition. It was also selected as a semifinalist in the 2016 Table Read My Screenplay Completion (Park City). So, do competitions matter? Has anyone out there gotten any real mileage out of placement in competitions - other than the Nichols or Page?

Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey Robert, here's another thread that's been going now for the past six months... It's more about competitions and craft, but there's lots of great comments that may be helpful to you:

Beth Fox Heisinger

Oh, here's another thread that may be helpful to you as well:

Beth Fox Heisinger

Congratulations, by the way! That's great news! :)

Robert Rosenbaum

Thank you, Beth. I'm going to have a look at them. I am working hard again on my NWC script. How are you doing?

Debbie Castanha

I'm no expert but I have read good things about BlueCat. Congrats! It's a fun logline too. Someone sent me this article which seemed to point to competitions as a great way to put your foot in the door, and give you credibility, as well as generally boosting your confidence in what you are doing (no small thing.)

Beth Fox Heisinger

I'm well, Robert. Thanks. :) ...Yeah, I'm still working on mine as well. I made some story changes, so I'm reworking my outline, plus working on the first draft. I'm a little frustrated as my progress slowed some, but happy with the story. One page at a time, right?! :)

Robert Rosenbaum

Interesting article Debbie as I am trying a query letter approach right now. LOL I'll let you know how it goes. Beth, I'm frustrated too, but trying to work through it. I have another piece I'd like to work on ( an old play I never finished ) but I want to finish this first draft first. I have generally tried to make my first drafts as tight as possible, writing and rewriting along the way. I am trying to be looser with this one and see where it goes

Debbie Castanha

I read Manny... great fun and well-done : ) Robert, can you IM me, as I'd like to chat with you re your query letter approach?

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