Introduce Yourself : Sci-fi feature Abduction by Adam James Mawson

Adam James Mawson

Sci-fi feature Abduction

Hi everyone I've been on stage 32 for a while now and it's great for meeting people in the industry. I been writing my screenplay on and off for a few years, now it's nearly finished, I made a pitch trailer to sell the idea to producers and directors. I filmed the scenes using my iPhone and the rest in final cut and After Effects which I'm self taught in. I just finished the poster for Abduction too and here it is also I've link my pitch trailer.

Michael Cianci

Well done my brother. I'd absolutely buy a ticket to this in the theater. Can't wait to see more.

Sergio Dominguez

Good luck, would love to be part of something like this

Mark Mancini

What a great short film. Perfectly executed! I will share that as much as I can!

Raiza Rangl

Very Cool! Great job.

Adam James Mawson

Thanks guys please feel free to share, the screenplay is 95% complete and I'm needing an agent to push the project forward. I have many great ideas similar to Abduction, I taught myself to use Final Cut Pro and Adode After effects to make this short film with zero budget. I'm a graphic designer by day and screenwriter by night. I think the poster is more fitting to the short film too.

Adam James Mawson

Follow me on Twitter @AdamJamesMawson

Shaun O'Banion

Hello, Adam. Wanted to chime in. First, the good: For being self-taught, your VFX are really good. Truly. You're a graphic designer, so I'm not surprised.That kind of technical skill baffles me and I have great respect for your having figured it out. Everything looked very impressive. Your iPhone-ography was solid, too. Having said that, I'm assuming you're writing this screenplay as a feature since you've been writing "on and off for a few years," but even if it's for a short I'm going to give my honest assessment. So, here comes the constructive criticism: As a producer, I watch this wondering a couple of things: First, why does a screenwriter need a sizzle reel for a script? If you're pitching yourself as the director, then... ok, I guess I can see that you could pull some cool visuals off. If the script is solid and a synopsis or logline piques my interest as a producer, why would I need to watch a trailer (it's also nearly 4 minutes long!)? Second: What about this is unique? Where's the twist to the story that makes it original; Something I haven't seen before? Even your title cards ("The first kind is...," "the second kind is...") are reminiscent of CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND and that came out nearly 40 years ago. I also don't get a sense of story from the trailer at all. Sure, it's about an abduction (and I see the kid being put to bed), but what happens after that? What is the hook? The aliens show up and everyone in town (and the world) see the ships. Now what? In short, if you're planning this as a short, well... I guess you have your short film already. If it's a feature, you need to rely on your writing to get people on board. As a producer, I've made a trailer or sizzle reel in order to get investors to understand my vision for a piece of material, but as a writer, you need to rely on your skills as a writer and producers and directors to provide the vision for the piece or figure out how to get it financed. Best of luck to you with the material and congrats again on putting together a visually interesting trailer.

Adam James Mawson

Hi Shaun thanks for your feedback, as for the screenplay they are a lot of twists to the story which i wouldn't reveal at the moment. It does have a solid story line I think most modern day sci fi alien abduction films will always remind us of Close encounters of the third kind, as this was in my book the best alien abduction film ever made. I love Steven Spielberg's work I'm a true fan, I started writing Abduction because i feel somehow down the line Hollywood lost it's way. I mean how many remakes of great films can they do? great example Ghostbusters just makes me sad what they've done to it and i hear Gremlins is up next, it seems to me like there looking for the safe bet cash cow films (remakes) I and many others are frustrated with the millions that are pumped into remakes. Ignoring potential new talent, I know not all studios work like this but this is why there are so many crowd funded films these days. To be honest I know i have a solid good idea and I can visualise it all but been new to all this I'm struggling with the logistics of putting it all together and I'm just looking to some collaboration. saying this would you be interested in seeing some of the treatment?. I loved your story about how you got into the industry.

Shaun O'Banion

Hi, Adam - Sent you a pm.

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