Acting : Newbie by Michael B King Jr

Michael B King Jr


I am a cook at the moment but have loved the art of acting since I can remember. I never really thought about taking it serious until last year and even more so now. I decided to take the leap and see what's out the and experience something new. Hello!

Omar Strongtower

Welcome man I am the same and good luck to you man hopefully we can work together in the future and as always j.k.l

Andre Hunt

Watch a great deal of Edward G. Robinson.

Shawn Speake

Welcome, Michael! A pleasure to have you with us! Now... do you have any goals? What's the plan, my man? How can I help you get the most bang for your buck on S32?

Michael B King Jr

Thank you all. I don't really have a plan I guess at the moment. My ultimate goal is just to be in a film (like everyone else) I would love to just try it once at least. No matter how big or small. I do have a goal that is probably too far fetched though. I want to be Nightwing or Red Hood (I don't even know if they'll be in it) in the next Batman movie. That would be my ultimate goal and one I would strive to achieve. I'm not sure how this site works exactly but I heard of it in a a seminar video. Thanks again

Chris Bath

Hello Michael, Pleasure to meet you here! I'm pretty much in the same boat as you are right now. My advice to you is to look for and submit to as many legit castings as possible that would be a good fit for you. Also remember that you will be turned down for acting roles that you audition for more often than you will land, so don't be discouraged when this happens. This is not a bad reflection on you or your acting skills. Stay positive and if you're very passionate about acting, then you will do very well.

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