Anything Goes : Why should any professional work for FREE??? by Rhonda Causton

Rhonda Causton

Why should any professional work for FREE???

Hi all! Since this is an "anything goes" forum, I would like to take a moment to vent!!! I'm so sick of seeing job listings for crew(I'm a makeup FX artist) willing to work for FREE!!! It is insulting and degrading!! As a makeup FX artist, the materials and products we use are fucking expensive!(pardon my french)not to mention the hours of sculpting, molding, painting and set time. How many times have you taken your car to be repaired, and the mechanic offers the parts and labor for free??? NEVER!!! Bills and mortgages can NOT be paid by IMDB credits or food!!! Film makers, please do the research on how much things will cost for your film project. Do some fundraising or save your money, before posting an ad looking for crew. That is all! I feel better now! Thanks!!

JD Hartman

Agree totally. The clowns posting crew opening for a feature film with all unpaid positions should be banned. They expect to create a quality product and sell it, why shouldn't every technical skilled person on the film be fairly compensated? That doesn't mean deferred pay either.

Jadyn Ordhen

Well said.

Jadyn Ordhen

Btw, awesome work. Very impressed. X

Rhonda Causton

Thank you CJ!

Debbie Elicksen

I echo your rant.

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