Introduce Yourself : Hello everyone! by Ashley Miller

Ashley Miller

Hello everyone!

I am new to this site, but I am eager to get to know you all! I have friends in the industry and am currently a student at the Academy of Arts University in San Francisco, CA. I have lived in many areas of the world and an a combat veteran. I served in the U.S. Army in Iraq during 2004-2005. I am a photographer and am familiar with editing as well as cinematography. I have acted both on stage and on camera since I was very young as well. If anyone is interested in having me work with them, I am even willing to travel depending on the job outlook. I currently reside in central, IL. I also run and operate a rescue out of Southern California which saves mostly red listed dogs and cats from kill shelters. I focus a lot on pit bulls because they are very misunderstood. If you would like, here's a documentary I did for class. It is an example of my work in all fields, as an actor, director, editor, cinematographer and animal lover :) Enjoy! -Ash

Tom Batha

Hello Ash, and welcome.

Claire Benedek

Welcome, Ash! And thank you for the BSL post!

Ashley Miller

you're welcome! I did the project for class last semester, it is something I am very passionate about.

Claire Benedek

Any dog can be taught to be vicious in the wrong hands. I've known a number of pitties (or "pibbles," as my friends and I call them), and they've all been sweet and affectionate, loyal and gentle.

Ashley Miller

yes I have saved several of them <3


Welcome to Stage 32, Ashley!

Ashley Miller

thanks Jake! Hooah!



Tawny Neilson

Hi, Thank you so much for what you did for our country! And what you do for animals is amazing. : )

Clinton West

Hi Ashley, served in Iraq as well! Welcome and look forward to seeing your work.

Stephanie Meyer

First of all thank you for your service and all you have given up and given for us. I couldn't even watch this but I thank you for doing the project, well done. I love animals so much it kills me to see these but it needs to done. I would love to work with you if you're ever out west or I would travel as well to California. I am currently an Actress in Oregon, I love all aspects of the film industry and feel documentaries are needed. Thank you again for posting this and hopefully we can work together in the future.

James David Sullivan

"An actor's best friend."

Ashley Miller

J.V. Here is a link to our facebook page: ❤️

Ashley Miller

Stephanie, perhaps we will! I wish you luck in everything you do :)

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