Introduce Yourself : Writer/Director by Ken Barnes

Ken Barnes


Good Morning all! I'm an experienced writer and director of docs and dramas and have a polished, mind-bending screenplay ready for production. I have one investor on board but looking to match funds in order to make The Origami Man (psychological thriller) a reality. This is an incredible, twist-filled story set in a beautiful part of Japan. Think Body Heat meets Vertigo in Japan and you're getting a wee taste. So, come one, come all, and open your hearts (and wallets!) to help create this awesome project! Looking for about US$150K on the low side (very indie, unknown actors) to ???? for a full-on production that will definitely attract A-listers. contact: Thanks and hope everyone keeps the fires burning! Ken

Richard "RB" Botto

Wishing you all the best with the project, Ken. Sounds very interesting.

Nelle Nelle

Welcome Ken! I love psychological thrillers. Hoping you get the funds. Do you currently have a Kickstarter or Indiegogo?

Ken Barnes

Hi JL and RB, Thanks for the comments! I had an Indiegogo campaign that finished without much success. We've started a Japanese CF campaign but not sure you could figure it out. :-) Here's the link, just in case: It promises to be a brilliant film and we need all the support we can get!

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