Introduce Yourself : Chicago actress always looking for work by France Jean-baptiste

France Jean-baptiste

Chicago actress always looking for work

Hello everybody I'm a Chicago actress. I am always looking for work and opportunity. my dream is to be in a sitcom but I love very dark roles as well

Dara Taylor

Loved the clip! I could totally see you in a sitcom. Best of luck!

France Jean-baptiste

Thank you so so so so much you are lovely thank you again

Madalyn McKay

What a great clip. I agree with Dara's Sitcom note but also think you would be great as a lead character in a commercial campaign.

France Jean-baptiste

Why thank you so so so very much I do appreciate that that would be a real dream

Tawny Neilson

Girl, you are a hoot! I can totally see you in a TV comedy or a drama. You have the "it" factor.

France Jean-baptiste

My goodness aren't you incredibly sweet thank you so very much I hope it comes true one day

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