Introduce Yourself : Hey everyone! by Andy Mallory

Andy Mallory

Hey everyone!

Who wants to network? I can do almost anything in the business, and I'm from VA.

Shawn Speake

Welcome, Andy! I'm from Richmond! What are your goals on S32?

Izzibella Beau

Hi, Andy. I'm not too far away, right down here in Georgia. What types of positions are looking for or qualified to do?

Andy Mallory

@Shawn: I'd love to connect with and work with as many people as I can, gain as much experience as I can, and hopefully make a little cash doing so ;) @Izzibella: I consider myself an actor first, but I also love being on crew. Lighting, boom, grip, camera, AD, UPM, etc. At this early point in my career, I'm pretty well-rounded.

Izzibella Beau

That's awesome to have all those skills. I get my production going I will definitely keep you in mind.

Andy Mallory

Awesome! When do you think that will be?

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