Filmmaking / Directing : Want to make some shorts? by Bradley Peter Scott

Bradley Peter Scott

Want to make some shorts?

Hi guys, I'm not entirely sure if this is the correct place to post this, so if it isn't, please accept my apologies. Despite being a member since 2014, I've not really utilized this site's opportunities. I'm a London-based actor and writer, and I'm looking to make some short films. I'm hoping to find passionate people who have the skills, knowledge and equipment. Is there anyone who'd like to get involved?

Richard "RB" Botto

Hey Bradley. One of the best ways to get networking on this site is to be active in the Lounge. Join some conversations, make some posts, share some content. This will get you where you want to be! I also recommend checking out the HELP section and the 10 Things You Can Do On 32 section. Hope you'll be more active and will use all the features and resources here to your benefit. Cheers!

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