Regardless of your answer, I'm hoping you'll take a few minutes (4:45 to be exact) to check out my new project, "Feeling the Bern?!?" that was just released to YouTube Saturday and already has over 300 views! The video really has got something for everyone... Fun, Facts, and a whole lot of PAULITICS! And who doesn't need a bit of that in their life? I'm very proud of the project and the entire team! I'd love to hear what the Stage 32 community thinks.... See FEELING THE BERN?!? now by clicking HERE: And thanks for your vote... I mean, support.... Paul
One sided negative piece on a politician. As it was not stated to be journalism, i must completely agree that it is certainly not journalism.
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I'm not sure what your point is Andrew with this comment. Other then to bring someone down? I don't know... I never, ever asked to find out if it qualified as journalism. Nor was that my motivation. I do vehemently disagree with your way of describing it as a "negative piece" In fact, I worked very hard making it NOT be slanderous or negative. I DID absolutely build in some of my personal opinions, while using documented facts, but I was never disparaging, or vulgar. Isn't that the point of art of film of artists creating things? Giving a view, giving an opinion, challenging people... spreading beliefs?? I worked very hard to be fun, funny, and entertaining in a creative and unique way... which you don't have to agree with, but based on your comment, maybe your personal political opinions are clouding WHAT you actually saw and heard, in my video. And a bit of advice, maybe don't watch you tube for "journalism"... lol.... We're all artists here.. just because you don't agree with something or don't like something, doesn't mean you have to attack it. It's not for CAN just move on.... Just a thought....
Well this piece confirms a lot for me - if you actually believe any president has any power to change anything and you're seeking change, then Bernie is your only choice, as unfortunately Hillary and Trump are the known establishment criminals and therefore it will be business as usual.
If only those facts which will broadly be perceived as negative are presented then the piece can be described as negative towards the source of those facts. A perfect example is your point of paying for the promise of universal medical coverage with a tax increase. Yes, you correctly stated that there would be a 2.2% income tax increase. You did not however state that this would eliminate all medical insurance payments. Most of the population would see a substantial net decrease in household costs for medical coverage. Only stating there is a tax increase and not stating that net outlay is less for most of the population is one-sided. your suggestion to move on, as opposed to your original curiosity of what members will think says everything that needs to be said. Thanks, move on it is.
I came to S32 this morning to escape politics for 5 minutes. LOL. Oh well, off to the studio.
There's no escape Royce!!!
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insert evil laugh
LOLOL!!! Just watch it for the humor folks. It's okay to laugh at those you love sometimes! Keeps the relationship real. The juxtaposition of fire as the people are eating as the narrator is narrating? Teehee!