Screenwriting : Logline saviour by Winter Lauzon

Winter Lauzon

Logline saviour

ok, so I just wanted to post something quickly for anyone who may actually learn from my mistake. In the save the cat books he mentions the logline test. If I remember correctly, its just- once youve got your logline all worked out (BEFORE writing) you test it on people...people you guess may be in your market audience. People in line at the store, people at the movies, just anyone. SO I did this...and I got a lot of 'wow,interesting premise!!' But, from a few screenwriters I got the advice that I may be telling the story from the wrong POV. The details are not important- but basically they thought the way I was telling it may make it harder to raise the stakes. I really thought on this but I LOVED the character so much I wanted to stick with her and her world view....6 months later- now- I pitched during a stage 32 pitch and you know what the executive said? 'Interesting premise! But, you complicated it by telling it from that POV' ......soooo long story short: I highly suggest the logline test :D Really think about how people react to your logline before you put in hundreds of hours of writing : D

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