I finish writing the story for a short animation which I plan to possibly start working on in about a month. When finish where would be a good competition that I could apply for?
You could check out the Withoutabox and FilmFreeway websites that list all the upcoming film festivals and zero in on "animation" or "Family Film categories." Many festivals are also competitions. The really big festivals/competitions are in Annecy (France), Hiroshima (japan), Ottowa (Canada). When I finished my "student" film i submitted to many festivals, got into about 40 in North America and Europe, and won about a dozen awards or so. That film was called "On the Rise" : https://vimeo.com/63276836 - Best of luck
You could check out the Withoutabox and FilmFreeway websites that list all the upcoming film festivals and zero in on "animation" or "Family Film categories." Many festivals are also competitions. The really big festivals/competitions are in Annecy (France), Hiroshima (japan), Ottowa (Canada). When I finished my "student" film i submitted to many festivals, got into about 40 in North America and Europe, and won about a dozen awards or so. That film was called "On the Rise" : https://vimeo.com/63276836 - Best of luck
Thanks for the info I will check them out :)