Introduce Yourself : Christian Garzone by Christian Garzone

Christian Garzone

Christian Garzone

Team Stage 32, Just taking a second to introduce myself and possibly make some new friends/connections. I am a video producer for the VA in Milwaukee, WI. I'd be honored if any of you in the Stage 32 community scoped out my latest work "Oneida Soldier": It's about a Native American Vietnam veteran and his 40-year slide with shell shock and alcohol abuse...with eventual hope. Be well and have a great Thursday everyone! V/R, Christian Garzone

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hi Christian, pleasure to have you here. You had me at "Team Stage 32"... :) Thanks for sharing your video, you just gained a new follower. Are you a vet yourself?

Christian Garzone

Tomasz, happy Friday to you my friend. Thanks for watching my video and yes, I am a veteran. US Navy from 2004-2008. Are you?

Tomasz Mieczkowski

US Navy 1999-2003. GSE4 out of Norfolk VA, Spruance class destroyer. Are you familiar with VFT/VFTLA? I've gone to their meeting once so far, could be a beneficial organization to belong to. The story you tell is not an unfamiliar one. I spent some time in the VA hospital lobbies myself, the stories I hear each time I meet someone are really amazing, and the thing is, almost everyone's got a story to share. Cheers, T.

Christian Garzone

Very nice! Good to know you shipmate. I was on the USS Nimitz for a deployment as an Undesignated Airman (see the PBS show "Carrier" if you're interested lol), then I managed to strike as a JO and I was assigned to Tokyo. Awesome period of my life! I miss the Navy a ton. What exactly is VFT/VFTLA? And yes, everyone has a story to share. So what's yours?

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Haha, mine's too long for a post. Not to mention that I work for Stage 32, so anything I say in the lounge can and will be used against me... :D Not sure if VFTLA is the LA chapter of VFT, but if I remove LA from the url, I get nothing good... check it out:

Philip Sedgwick

Since it seems to be the day to compare anchor tattoos, USS Ouellet, FF-1077, as an ST1, LPO and plank owner. Two Westpacs during Vietnam era. Have a script I'm working with a scene from when we were part of Rolling Thunder during the Quang Tri offensive... also a PTSD healing tale. Here's to good tales being told...

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hear hear, Phillip. I didn't think I knew that about you. Welcome aboard.

Christian Garzone

Philip! Welcome aboard indeed !

Christian Garzone

Love to hear your story sometime, Philip....and you Tomasz!

Philip Sedgwick

Thanks, shipmate. Ultimately, great experiences... and fodder for scripts. Christian, will watch over the weekend.

Christian Garzone

Oh and Tomasz... I have heard about VFT!...I've been waiting to drop my DD214 to them for MONTHS, but they are no longer accepting applicants. I'd love to be a part of that team, though.

Philip Sedgwick

Hey Christian, An important film, especially because of all the discussion of PTSD with Iraq and Afghanistan vets, and also the controversy with the VA. Also, in this election time, attention to what vets require is a hugely important topic. Realizing that this is a difficult piece to produce, I would have like to have seen a bit more of what was involved in his journey and the fork in the road that led to his return to the VA. If there is an Ira Hayes award for film, this deserves it. Look forward to your next work... and by the way, the Prescott Film Festival is always on the look out for quality short docs.

Christian Garzone

Philip...many thanks, Sir! I greatly appreciate you watching and the feedback. I will keep the Prescott Film Fest in mind. Oh! And thank you for your Vietnam service. I'm sure you have many stories to tell my friend. Have you ever been able to tell them?

Suzanne Johnson

Hi Christian, Great video. So interesting what you do and also so important. I'm a Chicago actor and filmmaker and looking forward to seeing more of your wonderful work. Welcome

Christian Garzone

Suzanne, you are too kind! Thank you very much for watching and for the feedback. I'm thrilled to connect with people like you. Have a fantastic Sunday. Going to visit your page right now...

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

What an amazing job you did Christian... brought tears to my eyes to see what they had gone through in Vietnam. War in never good. God bless them all. So happy to see he got through the recovery so successfully and will be able to enjoy his family throughout the coming years.

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

@Philip & @Tomasz... I'm honored to know you both. Didn't know that about either one of you.

Dar Curcio-Elsbury

Christian, I salute you for this compelling story that sheds light on two points of view I'm also passionate about sharing, writing, showing: veterans and their families, especially those suffering with PTSD, and also Native Americans. I'm a writer originally from Chicago (Columbia College grad) who's recent pet project is about a slain Seabee (2006) and her survivors. One aspect of that project could benefit from your skills and experience if interested. It involve veterans in the Midwest, many with PTSD, who served in Iraq. Give me a shout if interested in more details.

Philip Sedgwick

@Christian, yep a lot of tales from those days. I do have one in a script... and I've certainly told my share of sea stories. For the non-sailors... a screenplay starts with "Fade In:" . A sea story starts with "this ain't no bullshxt!"

Hope Mackenzie Perry

Awesome video! & I want to say thank you to all of you amazing Veterans. Thank you! My name is Melissa (I'm Hopes mom).

Christian Garzone

Ms. Perry...thank you for watching! :)

Christian Garzone

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn Many thanks for watching...I'm happy the film was able to move you in such a way....but I also hope it doesn't make for a sad Sunday for you! Be well and enjoy the day :)

Christian Garzone

Dar Curcio-Elsbury... Yes we are "almost neighbors"! I'm going to send you a direct message.

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Aw Christian... not to worry... busy doing laundry and getting stuff done around the house. This time tomorrow I'll by flying down to Nashville. Playing tourist for a couple of days and then... the Nashville Writers Conference starts on Wednesday. Very excited to be there. Have a great day! Nice post from Dar... that's exactly what Stage 32 is about.... connecting. All the best.

Christian Garzone

Sylvia...I've been wanting to take a Nashville trip for sometime...please let me know how the city is!

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

I'm sure it'll be very exciting... I mean after all it is Music City. Lots of Honky Tonks around... I'm sure. This is the time of year they have their Film Festival... so lots of attractions. The Writers Conference runs from Wed.-Fri... lots of meets & greets, mentoring luncheons, panel discussions. Save up for next year Christian... Or... come to TIFF... the Toronto Film Festival in September... it's lots of fun as well. :-))

Christian Garzone

Have a safe journey, Sylvia !

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Thank you, Christian.

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