Introduce Yourself : Writer at Cannes by Anne Toole

Writer at Cannes

Super-exciting bio below. I'm also hoping to go to Cannes for the first time next month, so if anyone has leads on badges, events, whatnot for the first weekend, let me know! Anne Toole is a WGA-nominated writer for computer games, one-hour television, webseries, and short fiction. Her credits include the Emmy-winning webseries THE LIZZIE BENNET DIARES, DAYS OF OUR LIVES, STARGATE WORLDS, and the WGA-nominated dark fantasy game THE WITCHER. Due to her transmedia experience, Anne has spoken at the inaugural Nokia OpenLab 2008 as well as about game design at GDC Europe, GDC Online, South by Southwest, the Login Game Conference, and Comic-con International. She also serves on the Los Angeles board of the International Games Developers Association (IGDA). Anne graduated from Harvard with an ever-so-useful degree in Archaeology, naturally. You can follow her on Twitter: @amely

Jamie Black

Hi Anne!! Congrats on all of your successes! I see that you have a webseries that won an Emmy. How did you get exposure for it? Where did you post it?

Anne Toole

I wrote several episodes of the series, which was executive produced by Hank Green, one of the Vlog brothers; and Bernie Su. There are lots of articles about how they did it, but the biggest push for the series came from the Vlog brothers already impressive following online.

Richard "RB" Botto

Hello, Anne. Be sure to keep an eye on the Stage 32 Blog. We're going to be announcing a whole bunch of Stage 32 events, panels, etc to take place at Cannes again this year. Look forward to connecting!

Anika Neubauer

Hi Richard, thanks for these informations. Next to my regular meetings in Cannes, I really would love to focus on "Stage32" meetings in Cannes this year. So, yes, please inform us in your Stage 32 blog about your official Cannes-meetings and panels, so I can schedule it. Can´t wait to meet you guys in person there. Best, Anika

Richard "RB" Botto

Very much looking forward to it as well, Anika! We should have more information very soon!

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