Introduce Yourself : Deborah Liss, so glas to be here. by Deborah Liss

Deborah Liss

Deborah Liss, so glas to be here.

Hi, I'm Deborah. 21 years but with many projects in mind. I'm from Brazil, but I got married and my husband lives here then I moved to the US and we live in Seattle but next year we will move to LA. I have always aspired to be an artist Especially actress since I was a young girl. With 12 years I already started writing my scripts. This year I will finally shoot my first film. I'm very excited and happy that I'm following the way of my dreams. I'm very happy to have the Stage 32 and have the opportunity to meet people who like the same things, many projects and friendships can emerge from our network.

Ekat Rin

Good Luck and Great Success to you, Deborah!

Deborah Liss

Thank you so much Ekaterina, I wish the same to you! (:

Lisa Moon

That's great news Deborah. :) Wish the best for you. Let us know when your film comes out.

Deborah Liss

Thank you Lisa!!! I'll let you know for sure (: and I wish all the best to u too. Have a great one!


Welcome to Stage 32, Deborah!

Deborah Liss

Thank you Jake (:

Geoff Hall

Hello Deborah, great to see you on Stage 32. Welcome.

Deborah Liss

Hi Victor, Well here I am still studying to improve my English so I'm only in the beginning of my way. But is just so wonderful to be able to do what you have passion. I breathe art since I was a child and certainly soon I will have many tangible results.

Deborah Liss

Hey Geoff, thank you so much (:

Deborah Liss

Hello Jim, it's true and I'm loving this site.

Deborah Liss

Hello Aray (:

Lisa Moon

Thank you Deborah.. :)

Deborah Liss

Yeah I really know what is this (: Thank you and for you too Victor!

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