Introduce Yourself : Not done! by Delia Sheppard

Delia Sheppard

Not done!

I won't give up. That perfect role for me is out there. Not the trophy wife, not the eye-candy, not the dumb blond. Stay positive and blessed fellow creatives !

Michele Trainer

I love your reverse engineering here, but Owen brings a good point, who do you want to play? :)

Michele Trainer

Aloha Delia! International Women in Film Podcast featuring the interesting projects and stories from women working in film/TV and new media (IMDB profile helpful unless you're new media--YouTube/Vimeo/BuzzFeed video content creators will be considered). Hosted by Michele the Trainer (@MicheleTrainer) Please share, thank you! Show site: Show link: For details, please email

Uma Incrocci

Here's to the smart and non-trophy wife & eye candy actresses out there! Proud to say I am one of them too!

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