Introduce Yourself : Looking for a Collaborator by Tim Scheurer

Looking for a Collaborator

A friend and I have written the book for a musical set in the contemporary South and we are looking for a composer/lyricist who would be interested in collaborating on music and lyrics. We are looking for someone comfortable working in country, country-rock, folk and gospel genres. I'd be glad to send a PDF of the script upon request. Thanks.

Tim Scheurer

Hi Art. Thanks for replying; I really appreciate it. I'd love to talk about collaborating sometime. The project mentioned above was written with the stage in mind but I would be open to thinking about converting the script to a screenplay. I do have one completed screenplay about a 60s teen idol--modeled on a mix of Fabian, Bobby Vee, and others of that generation--that chronicles his rise and then "fall" as the Beatles and British Invasion and other forms of rock pushed these guys out of the limelight. Initially, I though tof it as possibly a "jukebox musical," using songs from the time period but I also wondered if an original score couldn't be fashioned for it, ala, Tom Hanks's "That Thing You Do." Let me know if you'd like to talk more. Thanks again.

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