Introduce Yourself : Introducing myself. by Marcus Leighton

Marcus Leighton

Introducing myself.

Hello there, I guess it's time I step forward and introduce myself. It's taken me a while for the intro because I guess even in the world wide web I am shy about introductions. My name is Marc and I am an aspiring screenwriter/author. I've been writing for a long time now, mostly screenplays in the horror and sci-fi genre, although I am delving into mystery and thrillers now. Just looking to try something new. So good to luck to everyone and hope you guys have a good day.

Jordan Paree

Welcome to Stage 32. All I can say to you is try everything.

Shawn Speake

Welcome, Marcus! Great to have you with us! Have you checked out other lounges yet?

Jody Ellis


Richard "RB" Botto

I hope the response here encourages you to step out into the light more often, Marcus. While social media can be daunting for some, rewards come with networking and cultivating a core group of peers and supporters.

Marcus Leighton

Hey there everyone, thanks for the welcomes. I am going to work on venturing in cracking my shell and networking. Might even wander the cyberhalls and check out the other lounges.

Richard "RB" Botto

That's what I'm talking about, Marcus!

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