Introduce Yourself : 75% by Glen Kim

Glen Kim


Stage 32 says my profile is only 75% and since I'm sort-of old-school, being at a solid C grade doesn't cut it. I'm introducing myself in order to get to the holy grail that is 100%. My name is Glen Kim and I live in Los Angeles and am currently pursuing a professional screenwriting career (getting paid). I currently have 5, no 6 (i just finished the first draft on the 6th a few hours ago) completed feature scripts. I focus mainly on action/drama. I've uploaded a couple of writing exercise pieces in the "logline" section of my profile. 1. A teaser trailer for TMNT teaser trailer that I wrote before the first (new) one came out. 2. A sample scene I wrote prior to the Entourage film being announced between fictional Hollywood heavyweights Ari Gold and Les Grossman from Tropic Thunder. 3. A fictionalized, semi-autobiographical meeting between me and this girl not too long ago. (it tragically ended up not working out, go figure). Anyways. This was fun. Sort of.

Matt Hurd

Hey Glenn! Welcome! If you haven't yet, you should definitely check out our screenwriting lounge to meet some of your fellow writers here on the site. Additionally, check out out our Happy Writers services - admittedly, as one of the coordinators, I may be biased - but there's no better way to get feedback on your scripts and get your work out there in the industry than participating in our programs. In short, you're in the right place! Feel free to shoot me a message with any questions or if you just want to talk shop!

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