Introduce Yourself : Attorney | Entertainment, Media & Tech by Nashad Omar Carrington Esq.

Nashad Omar Carrington Esq.

Attorney | Entertainment, Media & Tech

Greetings to all, new to Stage32; I'm an attorney with a background in entertainment, tech, and early stage start-ups. Over the years, I've had the opportunity to represent and work with small and large law firms in the Midwest and Northeast regions, a Fortune500 telecom, a major sports franchise, a television network, and an internet startup, securing over $100 million dollars in investment. Looking to connect with those in the arts and entertainment, as I equally enjoy representing the individual with a diligent representation capitalizing on business acumen and client satisfaction.

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Welcome Nashad. It's a pleasure to meet you. Thanks for connecting. I found out on Twitter today that I placed in the 2016 Script Pipeline Screenwriting Competition in L.A. as a quarter finalist. Very exciting. This year I'm hoping to move the ladder to at least the semi finals... LOL


Welcome to Stage 32, Nashad!

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