Introduce Yourself : Author - Self Published by Larry Yoakum III

Larry Yoakum III

Author - Self Published

Hello. I'm Larry Yoakum III, author, husband, Air Force veteran, ordained minister, and beer lover. I have several published books and am always working on more to amuse and abuse the public with. I'd really love to have my books either turned into movies/television shows or published by a real publisher who doesn't want me to pay a thousand dollar package. If I could afford to do that, I'd be able to write full time for a living instead of jockeying a forklift to pay the bills. My website has links to my FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, and Amazon author's page if you want to find out more.

Amanda Toney

Larry, first and foremost thank you for your service to our country. Secondly, congratulations on writing and self-publishing. That alone is such an accomplishment. I don't know if you've watched Lane Shefter Bishop's webinar about self-publishing to screen, but I think you might find it really, really helpful. She is a dynamo helping self-published authors get produced:

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