Introduce Yourself : New comer by Dustin Hatley

Dustin Hatley

New comer

Good afternoon, I have been Slowly getting into the acting scene with in the last year or so. I have prior service army and I was a civilian fire fighter and emt until I hurt my back. Since my injury, I had to rethink what I wanted to do when I grew up, and acting was the only viable option because I dislike desk jobs and I like to do something the brings my personality to the surface and allows me to bring a smile to someone! Wanting to connect with any and all that is willing to help with my journey and if I can do anything to help you in return I will do! Thank you

Ty Ferrell

Hi Dustin welcome!

Dustin Hatley

Thank you sir!

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome, Dustin. Great to have you here!

Dustin Hatley

Thank you sir!

Richard "RB" Botto

Most welcome!

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