Introduce Yourself : Introducing Myself by Zahida J Kazar

Introducing Myself

Hey everyone! I'm an LA based producer working on my first feature! Currently working on a short connected to that feature and would love any advice on how to acquire funding for this short. Would also love to connect with everyone!

Jeff W. Horton

Hello Zahida. Best success in your endeavor!

Zahida J Kazar

Thanks, Jeff!

Dan MaxXx

thats the number 1 question: where is the money? Self-invest. sell car, jewelry, borrow and hang out with people with $$$. my first feature, my major investors were a dentist, real estate guy, and ex-Sports Athlete. They money is out there. U gotta hustle and somehow maintain a moral compass between Art and Business.

Matthew Jason Walsh


Zahida J Kazar

Thanks, Dan! I think I need to incorporate people with money into my circles.

Stephanie J. Castillo

Best of luck and good hard work to you. Funding is not easy to find, but having done it for 10 docs, successfully, I can tell you to --- listen to your film, it will tell you have it wants to be funded. Esoteric but I found it true. Each film wants to be funded differently. You can go down the road of Everyone Else or listen to your film's unique speak about how to do it. Good luck!

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