My name is Tennyson E. Stead, and I'm an award-winning writer and director who has written 19 screenplays in total - including the award-winning Unified Pictures thriller XII and Paris, now in development at Picture Perfect. In addition to 20 years of production experience on stage and screen I carry a decade of experience as an independent film development and finance executive, and my finance projects include the Weinstein Company's animated family film Igor. My primary labors today revolve around writing, directing, and developing cinema and online content with a repertory film company called 8 Sided Films with people and for an audience in whom I am deeply and personally invested. Anyone curious about my business practices, my finance methods, or my production values can check out my development and production blog, entitled "The DevelopMental Breakdown": I'm also, as a point of interest, a disabled person living with severe traumatic brain injury as the result of a preventable production accident. Some of my ensemble members and colleagues are currently making a documentary about how I've kept career, my company, and my audience growing in the wake of my accident, and I'm always happy to educate and advocate regarding either TBI and neurological disorders or on-set safety! Here's a little more info from my blog about my accident, for anyone who's interested: Thanks for having me on Stage 32, folks! -Tennyson E. Stead
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Hi thank you... it's very inspiring. I've TBE since I was 10... and I know how hard it is to live with it...
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Personally, the thing that keeps me going is that the show must go on. If my brain injury gets in the way of the show, then I've stopped being useful... so making sure that I'm more efficient and more resilient than other people is just part of my job. One of the benefits of that is the example that efficiency and resilience allows me to set for others. If I can get my work done, produce excellent content, and keep my audience attended to and growing, then the only thing stopping someone else is their own lack of conviction! As far as the rest of my life and how it's been affected by my injury, I've always been willing to make sacrifices for my film career. This just means I need to make a lot more of them. Shakespeare must have lost actors to scurvy and bandits while touring on the road, and he never complained. Neither will I!
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WOW!!! I'm really glad to have met you here. Just what I need to read/hear...
Glad I could help!
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Tennyson, I admire you. I suffer several health issues that often get in the way of what I love doing (film making) however like yourself this does not stop me. I have 2 amazing guys along with my family who support me. I have been told many times that because of my situation that I will never succeed. I disagree 100%. Yes it is hard and frustrating but then so is any job for that matter. So is life. I wish you all the best.
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Thanks for sharing such strong experience, Tennyson, and, there, about Shakespeare, and as I thought, focusing on classics and making something worthy in life is the best way to solve all other problems and overcome obstacles.
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Hello, Tennyson. Glad you are here on Stage 32. I'm sure you have a lot to contribute to every aspect of this community, not only in the business aspect but also the determination and will to plow through anything attitude that you have.
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Hi Tennyson, great to hear a little about you. Good luck with your future projects
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Nice to meet you!
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Thank you for the welcome, all!
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Hello Tennyson! Welcome! :)
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Nice to meet you!
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Welcome Tennyson! Glad to have you in the community!
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Welcome to Stage 32 Tennyson! ;-)
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Hello im michael im 14 years old i came in philiphines sorry my location in My profile is not true Im just educating to became successful in my life and nice to meet you all
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Thank you Heather, and thank you to all these new people!
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Hello and welcome! I am new also. :)
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I am new also