Your Stage : Feedback? by Johnathan Huslage

Johnathan Huslage


Hello, I was just checking to see if anyone would mind watching something I wrote and directed recently and giving me some honest feedback. Sometimes I feel like the people I ask aren't nearly as critical as they should be. I have been out of school for about a year and I've been shooting a series of short films to help me hone my skills as a writer/director. Please check it out and let me know what you think! Link:

Doug Nelson

Johnathan, My overall impression is that it's well done. I shows a little dark but that may be due to Vimeo – I realize it's supposed to be suspenseful but hopefully the original is bright enough to see. I saw some nice scene blocking and I certainly enjoyed the story-end twist. Will you be putting it out on the festival circuit this year?

Johnathan Huslage

Thank you for your comments, Doug. It was probably a little of both, Vimeo does have a tendency to do that, I notice but we did try some new things with the lighting. As of right now, I have no plans to submit it to any festivals.

Doug Nelson

Johnathan, I watched it again. Just my opinion; You use a very abrupt jump to black at the end I prefer a fade to the credit crawl. I noticed the cut on Ellen's forehead in the end that wasn't there in the beginning. If that was intentional, I didn't see where it happened (or maybe Ellen's a little accident prone.) Now, I'll go watch it again. Why won't you let us see it on a big screen at the festivals?

Johnathan Huslage

Doug, it's actually blood splatter from when she hits Carrie with the frying pan. It covers her face and neck but unfortunately it's very light and didn't translate on camera very well. It's interesting that you ask why I won't let it been seen. Honestly, I wasn't expecting it to generate that much interest and it was also filmed primarily as an exercise/testing of new camera equipment. Feel free to let me know of anything else you pick up!

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