Introduce Yourself : Moving to LA in August. Looking to reach out and meet people. by Jacob Hayworth

Jacob Hayworth

Moving to LA in August. Looking to reach out and meet people.

Hello! Just wanted to make a post on here, saying that I am a small town midwestern from Iowa. I am moving out to LA in August with my brother. I am looking to meet people, make connections, and just learn more about what the life of LA will be like. I know I'm one of thousands, maybe millions, that move out to LA in hopes of a filmmaking career, but everyone is unique and I'd like to meet some of you! Here is a link to my demo reel as well.

Jacob Hayworth

And if you're in the area, feel free to add me and start up a conversation! Thanks!

Jacob Hayworth

Thank you very much!

Brian Aldrich

Greetings, Jacob. Best to you! Nice reel!

Hamish Downie

Nice reel! Good luck with the move! By the way, there's a website I follow: you might find some encouragement from it.

Rae Lim

Awesome! I'm hoping to move out there too! Best of luck hun! xx

Joelene Wolfe

Good luck with the move.

Jamila J. Brown


Jonathan Medina

Welcome Jacob. Good luck with the move.

John Guinn

That is great Jacob.

Tom More

Nice variety of shots! Strong reel.

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