We are giving Away prizes for best review/critic for the Feature Film - The Distance Between Us Where to watch: itunes movies, Google play or Amazon Instant Prices: 1. First place $100 VISA gift card 2. Runners up $50 VISA gift card Contest rules: Contest is between 07/01/16-07/10/16 No spoilers You need to watch the film on one of the VOD platforms Post your id and review on one the VOD platform (could be your real name or a screen name) Do not reveal the entire story Movie Buff Creations executive team will judge and select winners. All decisions are final; Visit our web site, http://www.distancebetweenus.com/ for terms and conditions. For questions contact chandu@moviebuffcreations.com https://www.facebook.com/events/249187028799058/
Sounds exciting. Wish there was a TV programme for a weekly movie critic "Personality " (There probably is but I don't know about it.). I don't mean the many self promotional sites out there, but a kind of "someone we all feel we know" gives their take on films. Parkinson was my favourite. (UK).