Your Stage : When your art questions and challenges us being human, how do you sell it. by Gavion E. Chandler

Gavion E. Chandler

When your art questions and challenges us being human, how do you sell it.

Art expresses our humanity, how we see the world and what we make it into. Humanity is volatile expression of art where human kaos erupts and explores the impossible. In every little thing we do is art because we voice it or visualize it into being with very thought and breath that we breathe. So to me art is the question of our human existence and these worlds that we come to create and shape with and in our ideas. How we form principles of governments and how we in abstract concepts portray the 'Unknowable' into a certain understanding that makes the impossible plausible. We do this in proclamations of beliefs where we speak of the Divine and spiritual realities, that 'we just know' in heart. So by now you might asking yourself, 'Where is all this leading too. Well, I wrote a play, THE PROBLEM WITH GOD where man, the devil (who is a woman) and God, talking about the 'Problem with God' 'God' and the 'Devil' are generalized spiritual concepts, and Man is representative of the Human Race. This is a little bit from the play THE PROBLEM WITH GOD MAN: So what's your problem with God? DEVIL: First it's not my problem, it's yours and what's the problem with God? It's real simple; it's that you dare to make God out to be in your own image, to believe that God to be this long white bearded old man high up on a throne somewhere on some cloud way, way up there somewhere. But that's only part of it; it's what you do in the name of God. You judge, kill and hate all in the name of the love of God. MAN: So what is God? DEVIL: Now that's the right question. God is simple. It is like a child with the promise of hope. God is Wisdom whispered in Universal Truth and visa-versa, Universal Truths spoken in Ancient Wisdoms of long ago before you were ever a dream. God is simply God. God simply is. The problem isn't with God per-say, or even me for that matter. (ADDRESSING MAN & THE AUDIENCE) * It's you, making us out to be what we're not—to serve your petty whims of wills as you think and see fit, and that there is the key phrase. 'As you think fit! As you see fit!' In your own mind and means you can rationalize any lie to be truth. In that very way you're very much the Devil's Advocate. It is a game that I do love to play, but this isn't about me; it's about you and everyone else just like you. ........................Copyrighted & Intellectual Property of Gavion E. Chandler & Black Tent Productions 2016 Now on first approach the actors love the idea and the question of the play but when gets to the end it hits a nerve an they get cold feet. My friend has talked to her actor friends and they say that they will not touch it with a ten foot pole. This tells me one thing, that it's a damn good play cause it is striking nerves and making people uneasy because they are considering their human existence. Isn't this what art is supposed to do? Now the question is how to sell it? How do you get to actors to cross walk cross that tight-rope wire and dare to challenge the norm, to make the audience consider what has been considered acceptable might not really be acceptable. For me, in art, especially in theatre, we are not supposed to make the spectators feel all warm and cozy. We put humanity into question and raise to mind the possibilities both nice and not so nice. Surely we are artists and we do entertain, but not dull the human senses. We are here to sharpen their mind and inspire them in heart to better than they are. We artists are here to enlighten and teach so that we as a human species can learn from our mistakes and make the world and us better than it is. Any thoughts? Gavion E. Chandler~ 'Man is his own devil.'

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