Introduce Yourself : Hello everyone! My Name is Abraham Marquez. by Abraham Marquez

Abraham Marquez

Hello everyone! My Name is Abraham Marquez.

Im Filmmaker/ Photographer based in Miami Fl who cofounded NEOKORTEX Films. I would like to connect with anyone interested in collaborating with indie film projects, whether its in front of the camera or behind. You can contact me via email or stage32 message. Cheers, Abraham Im@AbrahamMarquez

Debbie Croysdale

Hi and Welcome. I'm planning a trip to USA next year, to meet a couple of people I've met here. "Indie" is my 24/7 life, though I know nothing about the technical side, and it's a creative opportunity when both sides of the lens merge. If its a collaboration where both parties are equally excited about a film project, the set can really buzz, creating uniquely personal footage albeit not completely planned.

John Condenzio

Hello, Abraham, have two films in the works now based on my published horror books Shadow of the Succubus and Guest House of the Dead, which can be viewed here-my email is Thanks. John Condenzio

Lauran Childs

Welcome Abraham! I'm in Miami too, we've already made friends.

Lauran Childs

Looked at some of your work on Vimeo - loved the cinematography. Couldn't find a website for you - do you have one?

Michael Matasci

Hi Abraham: I compose music, so if you're looking for music for film, video, commercials please let me know All the Best Michael

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