Screenwriting : Similar Ideas by Josh Hughes

Josh Hughes

Similar Ideas

So you research for weeks, months or even years (hopefully not) and you're ready to start writing your next script after you finish the current one. Then one day you are skimming variety and BAM so-so writer just sold something eerily similar to yours and has Mr. A list actor attached. Is this good or bad? Personally I see it as somewhat good because if it's successful, other studios could be looking for something similar. Which would make the script and idea marketable. I see it as bad because studios might say it's too similar or that's been done. But hey... ideas are done and redone over and again. Just all depends on the execution I suppose. Your thoughts?

David Levy

Just because a script sold doesn't mean it's the end for your concept. Like you said, yours could have a different story twist, protagonist, etc. Find what makes your different and unique. Plys, just because a script sold doesn't mean it's the end for similiar concepts. That script may not go into production, things change. Just keep moving forward.

David Liberman

In all honesty, it really depends. It isn't as simple as creating a new twist. Let's be honest. There are a thousand doctor/lawyer/cop shows out there, so a twist is what is required. But try writing a show about a women's prison, and no matter how different it is, it will be compared to Orange Is The New Black and it will not sell. That's the brutal truth. If it is a rather individual and unique(ish) concept and there is an A-list star attached, the odds that your will get made is more and more difficult. I think every writer goes through this, at least once. It's happened to me a few times. Ideas get into the zeitgeist and the first one to get into production ultimately wins. Billy Ray (writer/director Breach and The Hunger Games) spoke about this. His new Amazon series The Last Tycoon was being heavily considered at HBO, but they didn't want another period piece about entertainment (Vinyl), so they passed. Luckily he is a monster A-List writer/director, so he found it a new home, but he says it was really hard.

Jeff Lyons

I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me. Not just similar, but exact same idea, often. For every "original" idea you think you have, 20 other screenwriters have already thought of it. The question is who executes first. There are no new ideas or scripts. Someone is already writing, or has written, anything you might be working on. It's just the way it is. Who has the connections, money, resources, etc... to get it done. and I agree... just because someone beats you to the punch doesn't mean your idea is dead (though it probably is) ... from time to time studios release two and three competing pictures on the exact same idea ... doesn't stop them.

Josh Hughes

I've actually been reading the script on and off the past couple days and although the setting is different the plot and overall theme and concept are completely different from mine. I'll continue to write it and write it good. Look at Armageddon and Deep Impact... Interstellar and The Martian pretty similar and released roughly the same times.

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