Introduce Yourself : Hey Everyone! by Jamila J. Brown

Jamila J. Brown

Hey Everyone!

Hey Everyone! My name is Jamila J. Brown I'm a screenwriter, director, and producer from Brooklyn, NY . I love connecting with people, feeling inspired, and more importantly making movies! My short film "GoFish" recently screened at the Brooklyn Museum and San Francisco Black Film Festival. I'm currently in between post and pre- production of two films and loving every minute of it! Down for collaborating or just talking about films! Nice to meet you all ;) Instagram: Moviemakingmila

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Brooklyn's in the house. Nice to see you here, Jamila.

Dara Taylor

Congrats on GoFish, Jamila! What is NYC the Movie about? I mean...other than NYC :-) #BKLove

Jamila J. Brown

Woot Woot, thanks Tomasz!!

Jamila J. Brown

Thanks so much Dara! NYC the movie is a manhood tale about a guy who juggles a life between crime and rap in the streets of nyc.

Hank Nae

wcm to lala land oooppps u in Brooklyn

Dara Taylor

Nice! Sounds awesome! Please keep us updated on its progress!

Jamila J. Brown

Will do Dara, thanks :)

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