Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter by Carisia Switala

Carisia Switala


Hi! I have been a member of Stage 32 for several months and I have submitted more than ten pitches. The feedback I get is mostly positive, but it is so difficult trying to write a pitch that will generate enough interest to spark a script request. Any suggestions on how a successful pitch should be written? Thanks all!

Kenneth Kerckhofs

Hi, I'm Kenneth Kerckhofs, and I'm a succesfull pitch-writer from Belgium. I've just sold a pitch about a conspiracy in the death of Princess Diana in 1997 to a Hollywood production company. If you like, I can write such pitches for you, and try to find you a production company so you can generate a script about it. Kids regards, Kenneth Kerckhofs

Carisia Switala

Hi Kenneth, thank you for your help. I already wrote the script and I have been trying to pitch it. It is a horror screenplay entitled: Revenge of Mary Banks. It is an interesting take on the “haunted house” story that provides the viewer with a gripping historical twist. The world the story is set in is a combination of the 18th century and the 21st century simultaneously. There are also several historical figures like Benjamin Franklin and Dr. William Hewson who really lived in the house on Craven Street in 1766. My logline is: "An eager reporter accepts an assignment to spend the night in a haunted house; however, she uncovers a truth that was previously denied by all, sending her spiraling into a journey of paranormal revenge". Would you need additional information to write a pitch? Thank you!

Kenneth Kerckhofs

That sounds like a great story to me! Can you also send me the script? Then I can make the correct pitch about it. If you accept my connection request on Stage32 I can give you my contact address.

Kenneth Kerckhofs

If you have a treatment I don't need the script.

Erik Grossman

Hi Carisia! I think the key to a great pitch is to have ultimate clarity. The themes, tone, character arc's - all that needs to be crystal clear. Hitting all the plot beats is great but it doesn't really mean much if we don't know how it affects and changes the main character. That and conveying tone are really the two most important things! Tone is everything... even within genre. A comedy like AMERICAN PIE has a different tone of humor than something like THE HANGOVER or GROUNDHOG DAY.

Carisia Switala

Thanks Erik! Great info!

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