Hey fellow creatives!! I make media of all types! Have a production company in San Francisco- Whaddya Gonna Do About It? Productions. However, the cost of living in San Francisco is skyrocketing, so we are planning to relocate in September. I am looking to connect with folks in Canada, because we are heading north!! But I would like to make a suggestion to ALL CREATIVES IN THE BAY AREA- TAKE CLASSES AT CITY COLLEGE SAN FRANCISCO!! Truly it is the best way to learn hands-on skills AND to network with other media creators. There is a Cinema Department and Broadcasting Department- each has unique offerings. I work in Broadcasting, here's a link to simple instructions on registering and descriptions of the classes we are offering in Fall. Make sure to register by July 31st!!!! Classes start mid-August. Cheers! https://bemamedia.wordpress.com/
Wow, that is a lot of hats! But as a yoga teacher I'm sure you can flexibly manage wearing them all! :-) I love the name of your production company, haha! Great to have you on the site, Jody!