Introduce Yourself : Hey Everyone! by Jennie Wood

Jennie Wood

Hey Everyone!

I'm relatively new to Stage 32 and I love it! My name is Jennie Wood. I grew up in a small town in North Carolina, and studied at a theater conservatory in Chicago. Currently, I'm in Boston, MA, where I teach writing at Grub Street, an independent writing center. My main project right now is Flutter, a graphic novel series, published by 215 Ink. Flutter is about a girl who shape-shifts into a boy to get her dream girl. I also recently adapted my YA novel, A Boy Like Me, into a screenplay. Heading to San Diego this week for Comic-Con International. I'll have a booth there in the Small Press section (Flutter, booth M-6). If you're there, please stop by and say hello!

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Each time I am reminded that Comiccon is approaching it's always too late... Haha. Have fun out there and best of luck. Flutter sounds like a cool idea. And welcome to Stage 32. :)

Jennie Wood

Thanks so much!

Bruce L. Stanton

Hi Jennie, Welcome to Stage 32.

Kody Chamberlain

Hi Jennie! Nice to have another graphic novelist in the herd. :) Looking forward to picking up FLUTTER.

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