Hello everyone! I'm an actress, playwright, director, artist, writer, composer and speaker - originally purely a musical theatre actress, but add a near-death trauma at 18 years old into the mix and I was forced to explore new avenues - or "beautiful detours" as I call my many newfound passions in my recent TEDx Talk. I've performed for the stage all of my life, then after a decade of medical trauma, I wrote, starred and directed myself in Gutless and Grateful, a one-woman musical about my life, which I've been touring for nearly five years. I'm also currently developing a full-length drama, Imprints - a compelling story of how trauma affects the family, which will have it's first full production this January in New York. I'll be doing Gutless and Grateful next on August 6th as part of the Midtown International Theatre Festival in NYC. Looking forward to being part of this network! https://www.amyoes.com/event/gutless-and-grateful-at-midtown-theatre-fes...
Hello Amy! Welcome to the community! You are obviously a strong and determined woman. Thank you for sharing just a little about all that you've overcome. This is a testament to not letting anything stop you from creating and moving forward!
Wow, what an intro. Welcome to the site Amy.