Acting : Getting my start by Cat Fountain

Cat Fountain

Getting my start

How can an actress fund her career? I live on my own with no financial help. My money goes to surviving . I need my money to go to my career. How are you managing?

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hi Cat. I feel like waiting and bartending was the most common occupation for actors for quite some time, but with changing times and technology, there are definitely other options out there like driving an Uber. If you'd like check out the post I wrote about that:

Nelle Nelle

Hi Cat! There are a ton of things that you can do. You just need to get resourceful and get your hustle on! I used to work daily with actors in your exact position but they never let it stop them. Nothing is stopping you from bartending/waiting, driving for uber, starting an online business, selling products, taking odd jobs; basically finding a way to get extra money for headshots/classes/postcards. You just have to want it badly. If you feel like right now you don't have the income that still doesn't stop you from furthering your career. You don't need money to practice your craft every single day. Run lines with friends, prepare monologues, reach out to work on student films, create your own projects (get partners who can help fund projects or join forces to do a kickstarter) and submitting yourself for auditions (commercial and film/tv). I could go on but I think you get my point. :)

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Agreed! Don't stop doing what you're passionate about. There's some ways you can still practice the craft while getting paid. A small example is where you get paid to read lines with others over the internet. I know an actress who doubles as a photographer's assistant, which also explains why she has fresh headshots every month.

Craig D Griffiths

Hi Cat I am a writer not an actor. But I have trouble finding actors for my films (all shorts at the moment). But put yourself out there to starting filmmakers. You'll be working for free mostly. But if one of them gets a budget, you are already part of their gang/stable/pose whatever word you like. Even if the film is crap, good acting stands out. Watch really bad film, most of the time you are watching an alright film with bad acting. I am a fan of actors.

Brandon Clark

Consider pushing your training towards obliging the realism of your efforts that you pick up from books in day-to-day conversation. Sometimes it can be hard to pursue such a feat, but it's a nice distraction at work to be doing what you love! :) I am very sincerely apologetic that you can't support your dreams and just leave it at that, but in the stead, must report to a designation for livelihood! Look at the world as a set and the pieces will formulate smoothly.

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