Hi playwrights, I'm very excited to be premiering a full production of my original drama this January at the Thespis Theatre Festival, and I'll be working with a wonderful director. A short scene was accepted to a short play contest next month, and with such short notice, I am going to take on directing myself, which theoretically should not be as difficult for a short scene, but nonetheless, it's still a first for me! I would love to know if anyone else had experience directing their own work and any advice they might have?
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First of all, congrats on your premiere! Just as any creative job out there, I don't think directing is something that anybody can just jump into it and do it, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with doing your own thing. There are so many naturals out there. Sometimes things you read and learn may not be everything, it usually just comes down to experience, but if you do it on your own, you will be able to appreciate the works of others as well. Best of luck.