Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter, Producer, Author by Varun Prabhu

Varun Prabhu

Screenwriter, Producer, Author

Hello everyone, I am Varun Prabhu, currently living in Bangalore, India, but will shift to Mumbai soon (as the Indian Film Industry is based here). My life revolves around books, movies, and tv shows. Personally, I write a lot of fantasy, sci-fi, dystopian, and horror. Short stories, novellas, you name it. I am working on a few full-length novels, which I intend to publish soon, by way of both mainstream and indie. Professionally, I'm an entrepreneur. My first business is named Pen Paper Coffee, which is a pre-publishing service that focuses on editing and proofreading. The company plans to expand into cover and graphic design, book formatting, book design, etc. It also currently represents authors as agents for an upcoming mobile publishing platform and also is a partner with a group of writers (of which I am the co-founder) that organizes Litventure (a literature festival in India debuted last year; will be held again this year with bigger platforms and hopes also to involve short films and documentaries). You may visit for more details. My second business is as of now unnamed and not public yet, but is involved in making and producing short films and hopes to make webseries too as soon as the investment is procured. This venture also plans to bring the producers and filmmakers closer to screenwriters and other parties that work hard in the industry. I write screenplays as well, in the same genres I mentioned above, and hope to pitch some on this website, when they are ready. I look to connect with like-minded people here, who are into books and/or films/tv shows. Hope you all have a great year ahead. Varun

Amanda Toney

Varun, what a nice introduction. Congratulations on Pen Paper Coffee - it's great that you are helping writers! I'm also intrigued about your 2nd business for short films, how exciting! Hope you are finding success in the India market - it's such a great area with great talent emerging for the global market. Thrilled to have you in the community!

Varun Prabhu

Hello Amanda Thank you for the reply. We believe that in an industry people should support each other. Whatever my businesses are they are designed for the writers. My second business has just started and we have just shot our first 3 films -- one horror, one dark comedy, and one tackling a social subject. They are entering the post-production phase and we have shot it as professional as a movie would have been shot. They will be released around mid-September onward, just when the business will be launched. Short films aren't the only thing we intend to do. We intend to do web series as well, based on original content. We will also tie up with publishers, writers, etc and adapt their stories for the visual medium. Right now we did the movies in Hindi (with English subtitling) and would mostly dub it in two of the regional languages as well. In the future, however, we intend to do English too, and if we do that, we plan to have it dubbed in two or three European languages as well. Mostly Spanish and French. This is where I believe Stage 32 will turn out to be important. As far as success is concerned, we have yet to achieve it. However, we are optimistic and our distribution channels are looking good. Also working on a sound marketing strategy as well. We strive to do our best. Rest depends on luck and acceptance on the part of the audience. :)

Shawn Speake

Welcome, Varun! Great to have you with us

Varun Prabhu

Thank you Shawn :D

Jonah King


Holly Young

Hi Varun.

Varun Prabhu

Thank you everyone. And Hi Carthy and Holly. Nice to connect.

Varun Prabhu

Thank you, Aray

Benjamin Pearce


Jonah King


Joseph J Washington, II

hi, varun. welcome! you're gonna like it here.

Varun Prabhu

Thank you everyone. And Joseph, I know. I already like it here. Been here since 2014 actually. Just not been as active as I should.

Amanda Toney

Varun - glad you're active again!

Brittany Haigler

Hey Varun! Happy to have you here.

Varun Prabhu

Thank you, Amanda. Happy to be active here. Hey, Brittany and Margarette. Thank you very much for the warm welcome. :D

Mithun Purandare

Hey Varun I am from Mumbai India.. An actor & always looking to colerabate with like minded people.

Varun Prabhu

Awesome, Mithun. My companies are based in Mumbai as well. :)

Mithun Purandare

That's great.. My number 09769330353.

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