Introduce Yourself : Hello Stage 32ers new and old by Greg Hickey

Greg Hickey

Hello Stage 32ers new and old

I've been a Stage 32 member for over two years, so it's probably time to (re)introduce myself. I'm a writer, forensic scientist and endurance athlete from Chicago. I've written a feature drama/thriller screenplay which you can view on my profile page, but pitching that project has taken a backseat to writing novels. Right now, I'm working to finalize a publishing contract for my second novel, The Friar's Lantern. It's a choose-your-own-adventure book for adults (think more prose and less juvenile choices than the books you may have read as a kid). You'll get the chance to win $1,000,000, judge a murder trial, and more, and then go back and do it all over again if you're not happy with your outcome. The first chapter is available on my website at (at least until the publisher tells me to take it down!). If you have fifteen minutes to read it, I'd love to hear your thoughts. And I look forward to meeting you and hearing your stories. I've already met several great creative people on Stage 32 and I'm excited to interact with more of you.

David M. Salkin

"Endurance athlete"..??!!? I'm like the Bomb Squad... if you ever see ME running, just START RUNNING!!!! : ) cool stuff!

Greg Hickey

Haha, thanks David

Greg Hickey

Thanks Aray! I hope you find the actual story just as compelling.

Richard "RB" Botto

A writer, forensic scientist and endurance athlete...Oh, so a slacker! I kid, I kid. Thanks for all you bring to the community, Greg, and for being so supportive of others!

Matt Hurd

Great to have you here, Greg - even if reading your list of accomplishments makes me feel super-lazy. (Just kidding, it's great how much you're doing, and how supportive you are of the folks in the community!

Greg Hickey

Thanks guys. Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as bragging. I have a range of interests and I like to keep myself busy. But if you're a member of this site, you're probably a highly productive and self-motivated creative. My productive energies just happen to be directed in a variety of directions.

Richard "RB" Botto

Didn't take it as bragging at all! Found it all quite inspiring!

Greg Hickey

Thank you.

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