What is on my mind?... It's the weekend so I'm laid back. But since I'm currently writing as well, I'm also thinking: "Never underestimate the shower idea."
What is on my mind? Well, now, the only thing on my mind is: if a person from New York is a new yorker, how do you call people from Nice? Glad to have you here on the site Hélène. I always highly value the shower idea. These are some of the best ideas I ever get.
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What is on my mind? Well, now, the only thing on my mind is: if a person from New York is a new yorker, how do you call people from Nice? Glad to have you here on the site Hélène. I always highly value the shower idea. These are some of the best ideas I ever get.
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:) To answer your question, Tomasz, "Niçois" ['nee'swa] is the word. "Niçoise" ['nee'swaz] in the feminine form.