Introduce Yourself : So many ideas for a script by Ted Jackson

Ted Jackson

So many ideas for a script

What do you do when you have so many ideas for a new movie or TV concept but no one to go to

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hi Ted, what CJ said. Write down some loglines and do some concept work, pick your best choices and start writing them one at a time. When you're done, don't forget to check out the Happy Writers tab on this site for where to go next, but just keep it going. If you have ideas you just gotta keep on writing.

Ted Jackson

I do have a lot written down but I have some of the stories started already but no beginning or ending

Jody Ellis

Pick one. Finish it. Know your ending before you start.

Ted Jackson

Here's a freebie how about a ladies race club with cars and motorcycles and boas

Dartanyan Adkins

Ted first you have to format it. There is a program called Final Draft you use to format. That idea has to formatted before anybody look or consider it. Second, you have to structure your idea in cinematic way. Then its about getting an agent to represent you. But before you do that, you want to see if it's even movie quality. I suggest enter in a few movie contests or festivals. That will let you know if you have the right idea or not. The movie industry is a very tough business to get into so don't dedicate your life to because there are millions of people trying to break in. Keep working at getting it but don't get your hopes high. I suggest do some research online about screenplays writing and buy some books on screenplays. Good luck, Ted. Like the old adage goes, KEEP WRITING

Ted Jackson

Thanks a lot I really appreciate that but that was something that I just came up with at the spur of the moment I was just throwing ideas out there that's all

Allen R. Nelson

Lack of direction not lack of ingredients. I was having the same problem when I caught myself among a large amount of ideas. All you need to do is to focus on one which sounds the most interesting and entertaining to you. The rest can wait until you're done with those you want finished first in order.

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Years ago I started an 'IDEAS FOLDER'... and every time I have an idea but no time to pursue it further because I'm busy with another project... I write a couple of pages of thoughts and shove it in there. It's very handy when you're caught up with your projects and think 'what's next'... found good ideas I totally forgot about... bonus.

Tomasz Mieczkowski

@Sylvia Haha... You too? :D I've been doing this for years.

Mark Mccoy

I write it down in my Book Of Thoughts.

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Hahaha Tomasz... you're so smart.... no I meant... I literally hand wrote out the ideas and shoved them into a real file folder, you know the kind I mean... that you can BUY at Staples :-))... and then that file folder went into my literal real filing cabinet.... what I do keep on my computer though apart from my screenplays... are special folders with hundreds and hundreds of pages of "unused scenes" in Final Draft...

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

@Mark... yes notebooks are another great way... you can take it with you wherever you go. Actually maybe I'll start doing that as well. Great tip.

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Oh. Folders. You mean like the bent paper thingies with a tab? They still make those? :D I dunno. Seems like a fire hazard to me.

Evelien And Dorien Twins

We have an inside of a closet door which is literally filled with storylines & feature concepts written on beer vilts

Ronnie Mackintosh

Ted, if you're lucky you'll always have ideas for scripts. You have to settle down and focus on one (scribble down the ideas you have for others and put them away for another day). And remember, especially when the rewriting and hard-graft becomes difficult, that the most exciting project, the one you can't wait to get to, will always be the next one. Good luck, Ronnie

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

@Tomasz... haha... oh yes they still make them... filing cabinets can be fire proofed. In fact I have one of those.

Al Hibbert

Since I started my main project, I've had quite a few interesting ideas that I've written down, some that I've written a treatment, and a couple of scenes. But, for every one finished screen play, there are probably thousands that are just undeveloped ideas. Once you get the idea that 'sticks' and you feel 'compelled' to write it. STOP thinking about selling it, and spend the time necessary to flesh it out and ultimately complete it, which will be after you've already 'completed' it several times.

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

@Twins... just curious... what are beer vilts?

Evelien And Dorien Twins

Cardboard beer coasters, they’re used a lot here in Belgium in bars... we write our story ideas on the back of them and duct tape them inside our closet door ☺

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Love it. Nice collection. I personally get a lot of great ideas between beer 3 and 4.

Evelien And Dorien Twins

There’s a pretty big community of collectors. In Belgium we call them "bierviltjes". There’s thousands of them for different brands, years, special editions,...

Evelien And Dorien Twins

"Liquid inspiration" hahaha... we think we have about 50 inside our closet door right now

Al Hibbert

We have them here too, we call them 'coasters'. They're not as cool looking though.

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Oh Wow... they look great... so instead of cocktail napkins... there's beer coasters... yes we have them here... mostly in English Pubs. Great idea to post them in your closet. I'm doing Aaron Sorkin's MasterClass at the moment... and when he was a bartender on Broadway... when the show started... he had nothing to do... so he wrote his ideas on cocktail napkins and then when he got home that night... he'd type them out. Great minds think alike. :-))

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

So sorry Ted... we kinda got off topic. LOL

Ted Jackson

It's okay you were just conversating

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