Acting : Locations to hold auditions by Robert Gibbs

Robert Gibbs

Locations to hold auditions

Hello to all, Does anyone in the NYC area know of a space I could use for auditions and maybe a table read. The project has little to no budget so the cheaper the better, free being the best

Rebecca Caldwell

I'm not in NYC but a few ways I found great places in my city might help you? - Call smaller libraries and see if they have rooms available - Community theatre space rehearsal rooms - University or community college campuses sometimes have areas - Co-working spaces (rent a desk kind of places) have boardrooms A few of these might require a membership but worth looking into if you do it often :) Good luck x

JD Hartman

Local house of worship where you are a member of the congregation.

Shawn Speake

Add my New York friend, Dave McCrea, to your network. He'll have an answer for u.

Rob Tode

Pearl Studios-Midtown Shetler Studios-Midtown

Rody Pollock

Not local, but have you tried your local library?

Robert Gibbs

Thanks for the advise

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