Screenwriting : What kind of stuff do you write daily? by Jonathan Payne

Jonathan Payne

What kind of stuff do you write daily?

Lately I've been trying to write daily and have found short 500-100 essays a good exercise when I don't have script work to do. If you aren't writing a script, what do you write?

William Martell

Bank robbery notes.

London Moquin

what I would do is brain storm ideas if it fits then see if you can make or brake sort of thing

Craig D Griffiths

I'll grab a piece of paper a drop random thoughts. Sometimes the same notes as previous notes, but a different take. It helps me find fixes to problems and develop a better understanding of characters.

Erik Grossman

Porn reviews. I mean.... recipes. Yeah, recipes.

Herb P Grinker

ummm, other scripts!!!...but I like Eric's direction a bit better...HA in fact I actually got the chance to write a "movie" once....ONCE!!! don't think it made it to film....or should I say video. It was fun thou. Otherwise I write about writing...and whether writing just to write is actually still writing

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